wa- qul jaa'a al- h.aqq wa- zahaqa al- baat.il 'inna al- baat.il kaana zahoq(an)

And say: "Truth has (now) arrived and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood is (by its nature) bound
to perish." 17.81 (AL-QURAN)






Sheikh Ahmed Deedat            Dr. Zakir Naik        Sheikh Yusuf Estes       Dr. Bilal Philips         Dr. Israr Ahmed            Dr. Jamal Badawi   

Questions? and Answers




Sheikh Ahmed Deedat:

1. Books and text:
Free books by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat are available on:

www.irf.net download area www.irf.net/irf/download/index.htm 



2. Freely downloadable video and audio lectures:

Freely downloadable video and audio lectures of Sheikh Ahmed Deedat are available at:
videos direct link :
http://www.aswatalislam.net/DisplayFilesP.aspx?TitleID=50016 &TitleName=Ahmed_Deedat
audios direct link:
http://is.aswatalislam.net/DisplayFilesP.aspx?TitleID=2013&a mp;TitleName=Ahmed_Deedat



Dr. Zakir Naik:

1. Peace TV:

Tell your cable operators to start this free worldwide broadcasting channel   (More than 125 countries already and soon Insha'ALLAH ! to the entire world) immediately in your area and also tell as many relatives, friends at other places as possible to ask their respective cable operators to start the channel there too. Let the peace of Islam broadcast to the whole world in high quality and all free!


Immediately ask your cable operator to tune in to Peace TV on:

Satellite: PAS-10, Transponder 2C

Satellite Position: 68.5 degrees East

Frequency: 3783.25, FEC: 2/3  

Symbol Rate: 3250

Polarization: Horizontal


click here for some more details.

For more information, contact them by calling: (0091) 9821864188 (Mumbai, India)

You can also contact www.irf.net .   


2. Text and books:

Free books, Dawah training program, Qur’an search facility, some lectures (audio) and Insha’ALLAH! More resources will be available on www.irf.net    

Download area www.irf.net/irf/download/index.htm 

www.irf.net/irf/faqonislam/index.htm (FAQ's on various issues)

Dawah Training Program (learn Dawah techniques)

www.irf.net/irf/comparativereligion/index.htm (Comparative religion section)


3. Freely downloadable video and audio lectures:  

www.aswatalislam.net contains many freely downloadable video and audio lectures of Dr. Zakir Naik.

Videos direct link:


http://www.aswatalislam.net/DisplayFilesP.aspx?TitleID=50027 &TitleName=Zakir_Naik

Audios direct link:

http://is.aswatalislam.net/DisplayFilesP.aspx?TitleID=2054&a mp;TitleName=Zakir_Naik


4. Sri Ravishankar and Dr. Zakir Naik (IRF)

1. Sri Sri Ravishankar & Dr. Zakir Naik on The Concept of God in Hinduism and Islam

2. Audio, transcript and video clips from The Concept of God in Hinduism and Islam


5. More free material

http://islamicresearchfoundation.co.uk contains some freely downloadable books, videos and audios of Dr. Zakir Naik... 




Islamic Awareness:


The web site contains many free resources for refuting the baseless claims by Christian Missionaries, Orientalists and Hadith rejectors. 
The primary purpose of Islamic-Awareness website is to educate Muslims about the questions and issues frequently raised by the Christian Missionaries and Orientalists. You will find a variety of  (Masha'ALLAH!) excellent articles and responses to missionary and orientalist writings. The material on this website is frequently updated with new articles, references and arguments. Do check them out from time to time.

www.islamic-awareness.org/links.html gives reviews of some other dawah to non-muslims sites. Debaters and interfaith students can also utilize these resources in addition to the comprehensive resources available on www.islamic-awareness.org


Harun Yahya (convincingly defeating Atheism)

Battling the challenges from Atheism, Darwinism, Evolutionism, Materialism and using scientific research to prove Islam and destroying the baseless theories that support Atheism. This web site has convincingly defeated Atheism etc... Moreover the web site is very comprehensive and covers many topics besides these...All books (pdf/text), videos, audios, presentations are free for download. Highly recommended videos include: The truth of life of this world, The secret of the test, never forget, signs of the last day, answers from the Qur'an 1,2,3, Names of ALLAH and many more...Some other web sites by him to prove Islam and defeat atheism include: www.miraclesoftheQuran.com , www.Allahexists.com , www.darwinismrefuted.com , www.darwinism-watch.com , www.evolutiondeceit.com , www.evolutiondocumentary.com , www.living-fossils.com , www.thestoneage.org(Defeating Evolution, Atheism)


Sheikh Yusuf Estes:

www.islamtomorrow.com is official website which contains free articles, books  audios, videos, software, convert stories including Sheikh Yusuf Estes's conversion to Islam. Free audio and video lectures also available at www.aswatalislam.net and www.islamhouse.com

Bible compared to The Qur'an: www.islamtomorrow.com/articles/Bible_vs_Quran.asp  

What Scholars of Bible Say About Their Book +more... www.islamtomorrow.com/bible/  

Why Are So Many People Entering Islam? Good question...visit www.islamtomorrow.com/converts.asp 


Free Qur’an translations (English)

(Note, the direct links may change, and if they change you can navigate via the home pages)

Saheeh international Translation:

www.islambasics.com/view.php?bkID=120 of www.islambasics.com 


Qur’an Complex Translation and commentary (Muhsin Khan, Hilali (latest))


Qur’an translation (Yusuf Ali revised) with effective search engine



Tafsir Ibn Kathir


Yusuf Ali Translation



Important guidelines for Tafsir Ibn Kathir and vol 10 


Pikthal translation with search facility


An index to the Qur’an

www.harunyahya.com/indexa.php of www.harunyahya.com


Various Qur'an resources and free translation available at:

www.islamtomorrow.com/quran/index.asp of www.islamtomorrow.com

English translation of Maududi's tafheem-ul-Qur'an

www.tafheem.net  (new)


Urdu translations and explanations:

www.tafheemulquran.org (Tafheem-ul-Qur'an) (new)


Free Hadith software with search facility

www.islamasoft.co.uk/downloads.html of www.islamasoft.co.uk 

Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim and some other collections.


Various resources on Islam


Various free and comprehensive resources like fundamentals (ALLAH, Muhammad (pbuh), Qur'an, Sunnah, Pillars), special topics (Economics, history and more... ) and tools (Qur'an search, Hadith search, glossary).


Al-Islam www.al-islam.com/eng/ 

Topical classification of Qur'an and Hadith, Hajj, Dictionary + more resources...



Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)    

The Sealed Nectar (Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum) (new)



Authentic Hadith defense:

http://ccminc.faithweb.com/iqra/articles/authsun/index.html (Detailed book proving Authentic Hadith using Qur'an , historical evidence and more...)

www.islamic-awareness.org/Hadith/ (Hadith defense resources with evidences)

www.islamtomorrow.com/hadeeth/index.asp (10 Hadith questions , which group and more…Sheikh Yusuf Estes)

www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/fundamentals/hadithsunnah/ (various resources)

http://thetruereligion.org/modules/wfsection/article.php?art icleid=259&page=10 (Hadith defense section from an authoritative exposition by Abdur Raheem Green)

www.geocities.com/asim_iqbal_2nd/hadeeth.htm (Many Ayaat translations to support Authentic Hadith defense)

www.whyislam.org/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=3772&P N=1 (Preservation and importance of Hadith)

http://albalagh.net/prophethood/response_rejecters.shtml (A Look at Hadith Rejecters' Claims)

www.islaam.com/Section.aspx?id=8 (articles on Sunnah defense)

http://thetruereligion.org/modules/wfsection/article.php?art icleid=312


Hadith's predictions: (Miraculous)





Deviant cults exposed:

Quran only cults exposed   


Finality of Prophethood:  (NO new prophets. Defeating Qadianis & other heretic cults)

www.irshad.org/finality.php (a web site containing many resources for defeating Qadianis and other heretic cults)(home page www.irshad.org )




One Islam, No sects in Islam. 




Dr. Bilal Philips

www.bilalphilips.com is official website. Free video and audio lectures available at www.aswatalislam.net and www.islamhouse.com . He has delivered various lectures on different issues...specially on important issues within Islam.e.g. the authentic Sunnah etc...


Dr. Israr Ahmed

www.tanzeem.org is official website. Free audio and video lectures available at www.aswatalislam.net , www.tanzeem.org/broadcast/audio , www.scholaris.com  . Another linked website is www.Quranacademy.com

His lectures mostly focus on translation and explanation of the Qur'an in Urdu and English.


Dr. Jamal Badawi

Freely downloadable video and audio lectures www.aswatalislam.net . D. Jamal Badawi has delivered many lectures covering interfaith issues.


Qur’an recitations

Many freely downloadable recitations available at www.aswatalislam.net 



www.madinaharabic.com (free Arabic reading & language lessons)www.ymsite.com/books/Quran_Dictionary/Easy_Dictionary.htm (free Easy Dictionary of The Qur'an)  

www.fatwa-online.com/downloads/dow002/index.htm (Freely downloadable Arabic language lessons as taught at Islamic University of Madinah)

Detailed Qur'anic Arabic material in Urdu


Questions? and Answers.

www.islam-qa.com for questions and answers about Islam. Anyone can ask any question related to Islam. A comprehensive site with questions and answers on a very wide range of Islam-related topics. To find out more about their answering style and basis read the "About This Site" section of the web site.  


More Web Sites on Interfaith Issues: 

www.thetruecall.com/home (The True Call) (new) 

www.bismikaallahuma.org (Interfaith issues)

www.shabirally.com , www.islaminfo.com , http://quranspeaks.com/ (Shabir Ally)

http://www3.sympatico.ca/shabir.ally/toppage1.htm (Islam answers back)

www.examinethetruth.com/ (Interfaith issues, debates etc...)

www.geocities.com/noorullahwebsite/ (Interfaith issues)


www.bibleperversion.com/ (Bible perversion +hidden truths)

Material on the authenticity of The Qur'an & An authoritative exposition by Abdur Raheem Green. Muhammad (pbuh) in the Bible & Prophet Jesus(pbuh) never claimed divinity by Dr. Jamal Badawi. True message of Jesus Christ (pbuh) by Dr. Bilal Philips. More Jamal Badawi lectures 


www.backtoislam.com/ , www.islam-christianity.com/ , www.jews-for-Allah.org/

www.why-christians-convert-to-islam.com/ , www.load-islam.com/Polemics_&_Rebuttals/


www.evidencesofcreation.com , www.globalfreemasonry.com


www.examinethetruth.com/page_against_01.htm , www.faithfreedom.com ,

http://icssa.org/alisinaface.html , www.faith-freedom.org (Defeating faith freedom)


What did Jesus(pbuh) really say  ,   Let the Bible speak, is this the word of God?  ,  More Bible contrasts, contradictions and errors  ,  Muslim-Christian Dialogue  ,  Truth about original sin  ,  Corruption of the Torah   ,  What the Bible says about Muhammad (pbuh)  ,  Another list of Bible contradictions , Truth about Jesus (pbuh) , The Bible led him to Islam , Some beliefs of Muslims and Christians side by side , How did Christianity become mixed with polytheistic beliefs?